Sunday, February 28, 2016

Identification and Identity, Humility and Glory

Today's sermon is based on Matthew 3:13-17. The reading is about Jesus' baptism. One lesson from this is that Jesus always comes in unexpected ways. 

Why did Jesus come to be baptized? Jesus goes down into the water with sinners because Jesus is Emmanuel (God with us) because Jesus identifies with us and we are sinners. Jesus was known as the friend of sinners. He is willing to come and be with us. 

His ministry begins in the river amidst sinners and ends on a cross between thieves. 

He who had no sin took a place among those who had no righteousness. Through this we become righteous. He identifies with us that we may identify with Him. 

This is all about identification and substitution. This reminds me of what C. S. Lewis writes about how we put on Christ every day. 

This goes beyond intellectual consent. We live new lives in Christ Jesus. We are no longer slaves to sin. 

Sometimes we feel like and take on the persona of slaves to sin. Our culture tells us we will always be slaves to sin. But this is not true. These chains have been broken. 

The appearance of the Holy Spirit and the voice of God during the baptism reveals something important about the relationship at the center of the Trinity. Our relationships should be modeled on this relationship. 

God announced his pleasure before Jesus' ministry. Our love should not be performance-based. God's love strengthened Jesus. The unconditional love we give strengthens those we love. God's unconditional love for us enlivens us, bringing us out of death and decay into life and peace. 

Christianity brings transformation - a new identity and a new life and a new nature. Romans 8:12 remarks that we are under no "obligation" to follow the prompting of our sinful nature. Obligation? An odd choice of words. Builds on the "slave to sin" idea I think. 

Ultimately we have won. God has put parameters on the power of sin and temptation. Jesus has overcome the world. 

We are not slaves bought for a new master - we are the beloved children of God. We still sin; however, sinner is no longer our core identity. And God brought us this good news in person. We are the beloved sons and daughters of God. 

But we aren't perfect now. But Christ's identification with sinners (which we are totally undeserving of) means that when we sin we can run to Jesus. Performance-based thinking views salvation as a Throne of Merit. But Jesus is on a Throne of Grace - not merit. So we need not hide when we sin (like Adam and Eve) because God is merciful. 

The believer's identity in Christ means we can confidently live in, and function out of, God's love. 

Letting go of ideas of performance-based Christianity and its throne of merit brings joy. Also, because we are cognizant of the mercy we received we can be merciful to others. Humility brings great freedom. 

Sunday, February 21, 2016

A People Prepared for the Lord

This sermon is based on Matthew 3:1-12. Do we do the same as those who said, "We have Abraham for our father" when we assume we are okay with God, viewing God as a spiritual Santa Claus who has no real stake in whether we are naughty or nice? Do we shortchange ourselves when we do this - missing out on the transformation possible when we give ourselves to God. 

John the Baptist was very reminiscent of the prophets of old. He was the first prophet in about 400 years. The Jews believed that the next prophet after that silence would announce the Messiah - the prophecy is in Malachi - the last prophet of the Old Testament. Elijah come again would announce the Messiah and a period of restoration, renewal, and judgment. 

Matthew is always pointing us back to the Old Testament. Rabbis of the time relied on the oral memory of listeners, quoting scripture and then expounding on its broader context. 

Isaiah 40:1-11 foretells John the Baptist and is a prophecy of comfort. It is the promise of restoration. The comfort is firmly rooted in the Word of God which endures and reinforces the knowledge that the things of this world are transient and inconstant. True comfort comes from God. Like the Buddha taught, nothing in this world lasts and those who seek comfort from the things of this world are doomed to disappointment. 

The obstacle to the blessing and rule of God is our commitment to sin. 

John's baptism was different from Christian baptism. In Christian baptism, forgiveness is the focus. John's baptism was a statement of our decision to repent and go God's way. Jews typically weren't baptized but Gentile converts were baptized. John's baptism highlighted how far off the path people had gone. 

God is always offering us a choice between two paths - between life and death - and wants for us to choose life. 

Today's definition of repent is to feel remorse or regret. For Greek's it was intellectual change. For Jews it refers to lifestyle change - metanoia (Greek) --a change in one's way of life. For John, the call to repent was a command for an ongoing, continuous action. Repentance is a practice. 

Repentance involves confession (owning), sorrow (godly), and action (renounce, turn from). This is what Catholicism teaches about the Sacrament of Reconciliation. It is rare in our culture. 

This real lifestyle change and only this opens us to the blessings of God. It's like God's love is a cool refreshing breeze, but it can't get to us if we don't open the window. 

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Kingdoms in Conflict

Today's sermon is based on Matthew 2. This chapter is part of the Christmas narrative, beginning with the magi, covering the flight into Egypt, and ending with the Holy Family's settling in Nazareth. 

Herod the Great was a vassal king, appointed by Rome, and not a descendent of David. He reigned for over four decades and was a great builder. He was also ruthless - especially when it came to perceived threats to his rule -  even up to killing his own sons. Caesar said of him that you would be better off being his sow than his son. 

Herod the Great was troubled at the magi's tale because Herod the Great was not the rightful king. Jesus, as a son of David, was a threat to his rule. Herod sought to kill Jesus not because he didn't know who Jesus was; but, because he DID know who Jesus was and all that it implied. 

When the Bible says do not love the world, it's not talking about the grateful enjoyment of the beauty and blessings of God, it's talking about the world system that sets itself up in opposition to God. Ultimately, we are citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven, and that trumps any earthly citizenship. 

The Kingdom of Self is the greatest kingdom in conflict with the Kingdom of God. We are not the rightful ruler of our own lives. The world appoints us a vassal ruler of our own life and this is especially true in our individualistic society. The Self and Individual Rights are the idols of American culture. 

Adam and Eve were the first make believe king and queen. 

C. S. Lewis writes about the need to give up the Rule of Self quite often. We have to realize that we don't reign when our natural tendency is to do everything we can to protect our reign. Ask yourself where in your life are you trying to assert your own rule? Where do we play sovereign? Are we willing to pay the price - the great price - of asserting our own sovereignty? How to we respond to the coming of Christ? Herod the Great did whatever he could to protect his rule. The magi left their place of power and worship. 

We enter the Kingdom of Heaven through forgiveness (God forgives us and rescues us). We dwell in the Kingdom through obedience. This does NOT mean we are kicked out if we make a mistake. This does NOT mean we get into the Kingdom through obedience. 

In entering we are forgiven of sin, in dwelling we are freed from the power of sin. 

When we are make believe rulers, it is really sin that reigns. When we let Christ rule we are set free - ultimately living in the Freedom of Christ - we have a real choice and are more in charge than when we think we are in charge. Romans 6:16 says that you become the slave of whatever you choose to obey. But choosing to obey God makes us sons and daughters - not slaves - but this is God's doing, not ours. 

Where do you need to submit? The King is right!

Where do you need to trust? The King is good!

Where do you need to repent? The King is merciful!

Where do you need deliverance? The King is strong!

Jesus has overcome the world. 

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Notes from the Sermon

The sermon is titled, "God Miraculously Steps into Our Mess." It is based on Matthew 1:18-25, which tells of the birth of Jesus. 

Life is messy. We all have messes in our lives. We are all hurting. God stepped into our mess to help. 

The Virgin Birth is a sign that Jesus -one of many sons of David - is THE Son of David. Jesus is unique. Jesus is the Christ, the Messiah. 

Joseph showed mercy to Mary and Jesus showed mercy to the adulterous woman. It was a new dynamic based on the fact that Jesus now pays the price for our sins. He is condemned in our place. He does not negate the Law; He pays the debts we concur. 

Today we say that these things (premarital sex) are not really sins. The Law is old and outdated. This change is not at all doing that. 

Isaiah 54:4 - We will not be humiliated. We will forget the shame of our youth. 

The moral standard has not been altered; but, Jesus bore our iniquities and that leaves room for endless compassion and mercy. 

Jesus brings the rule of God into the world through the forgiveness of sins. The rule of sin is broken. 

Many Old Testament prophecies have a double fulfillment. This is true of Isaiah's prophecies later applied to Jesus.

Jesus was fully God and fully human so that he could be the mediator and pay our debts in full. It's not merely that our sins are removed. Christ's righteousness is credited to us.