Life is a gift.
The gift of life includes freedom.
God draws us toward our destiny.
Our destiny is not a place. It is a state of being - being fully a People of God - living in joy and grace.
Jesus and Paul have different voices. Christians tend to focus on one or the other.
Jesus focused on the Kingdom of God. Jesus welcomed all. If we focus on Jesus, we tend to be merciful.
Paul focused on our Life in Christ. His primary ethic was how to be in the world, but not of the world. Those who focus on Paul’s voice tend to be more moralistic.
As Christians, we need to blend mercy and morality.
Comparing Jesus and Paul:
Both taught that life continues after death.
Both taught that after death we will encounter a transforming judgment.
* For Jesus, our obedience meant faithful obedience shown by the quality of our mercy to others. We embody God’s Love.
* For Paul, we receive our due based on our actions (2 Corinthians 5.6-10). Paul focuses on building the Church - how well we build is based on how we treat others in the Church.
Both taught there is an Age to Come after this transformative judgment. What we do now is shaping (or mis-shaping) us for that day.
We all have a role in the Kingdom. We are all important.
Both believe this life is a preparation for the life to come.
Three conclusions:
Give your presence to the people in your life. Be present to them. Listen.
Develop your soul.
Give yourself away.