Sunday, November 23, 2014

Notes from the Sermon

My dear brothers and sisters, be willing to listen and slow to speak. Do not become angry easily, because anger will not help you live the right life God wants. So put out of your life every evil thing and every kind of wrong. Then in gentleness accept God's teaching that is planted in your hearts, which can save you.
                             - James 1:19-21

Great advice for the mother of a teen - especially when my love is tainted with anger born of frustration and fear. 

James, one of favorite books of the Bible, is one of the first books written in the New Testament (about 45 CE). It's great that I'm coming in at the beginning of the book - God's serendipity - Divine coincidence ;)

 When James wrote this letter, the Church was going through an awkward adolescence, trying to figure out how to be a Church. The Council of Jerusalem dealt with the Church's identity crisis. 

The council sought to answer the question, "Is faith in Christ enough?" The answer is so overwhelmingly yes that they strongly spoke against adding anything else. 

That doesn't mean we stay where we are. God changes us - the spirit of God adds to us - changes us. 

The Gospel doesn't cancel the need for obedience. The Spirit of Christ makes us want to obey. 

The integrity of believers reveals the Light to the World. 

A person with integrity:

1. Listens carefully. Hearing involves only the ears - listening involves the mind and heart. 

Avoid selective listening - be an active listener. 

2. Speaks thoughtfully. Think before you speak. Choose helpful words over hurtful words. Never shout angrily. 

3. Stays calm. Don't become angry easily. Regarding righteous anger - I think if we are hurtful, it's not righteous. We need to discover healthy ways to deal with our frustrations. 

Get rid of the rotten stuff (anger and bitterness stink) and make room for the fresh stuff (Christ's life for us). 

Will I react with anger or will I take all that happens as somehow, some why, helping me to grow?

WAIT - Why am I talking? Listen first - talk second. 

One of the damaging things we can do to ourselves is say, "I will never forgive."

Do not get angry and sin. ... Do not let the sun go down on your anger (Ephesians 4:26). We have a choice of how we will treat others. Relationships are too valuable to destroy them in anger. We can be reconcilers. 

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