Sunday, May 25, 2014

Notes from the Sermon

A new series begins today:

Be One, Make One: Crafting Discipleship at Ventura Missionary

Today's sermon is "The Mission."

I found out that the church's mission statement is:

Live and share the transforming love of Jesus. 

No wonder I like the place ;)  This series will unpack that mission statement. Seems pretty simple and straightforward to me. 

It occurs to me that following Jesus' mandate:

Matthew 7:1-2 “Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. 

actually simplifies discipleship for us. We are to share of love of God - pure and simple. As a wise friend of mine said, " I just love them."

All this before the sermon actually begins.  I may be dizzy and loopy, but this sure won't be a wasted trip ;)

One of the best coping methods is to obey God. We were designed for God, designed for joy, and obeying God is how we go with the flow - doing what we were designed to do. 

What does God want us to do? If you love God, follow Jesus. No promises that life will then be full of good fortune (as we would consider it). Thinking about it, to promise that would be like giving a child ice cream for dinner. They'll be overjoyed about their good fortune until the stomachache hits. 

"Clarity of purpose is critical to Kingdom success."

To be a Christian goes beyond belief. It is to be a disciple. Our discipleship is revealed through our love. 

This series will cover three areas over the next three weeks:

Love God
Reach the World
Build Community

These things don't naturally happen - we have to work at it. 

Having the trappings of religion doesn't make us a disciple. 

This church is a member of the Missionary denomination. I thought it was non- denominational. The new president said that the denomination was relational. 

Check out The Voice - a translation of scripture kind of in between the NIV and The Message (Bible Gateway has it). 

We can "do church" and we can do a lot of church without God. Guard against that. 

Jesus doesn't just invite us to spend a bit of time with Him (like an hour on Sunday) - Jesus wants to move in, to come and make His home with us. 

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Notes from the Sermon

This week's sermon, the last in the series, is titled Designed for Joy. I think is a message I need to hear. The head of music is now singing a song inspired by a verse in Exodus about how the people were discouraged in their slavery. She wondered how many of us are discouraged in our slavery to the day-to-day cares, concerns, and disappointments of life. 

There seems to be a disconnect between church people and the God they teach about. We teach about a God of joy, but where is the joy?

According to the Westminster Catechism, our reason for being is to enjoy God forever. 

We hunger for happiness - we thirst for joy. But, for many of us, happiness is elusive. No source of happiness here lasts. This reminds me of C. S. Lewis' comments from A Grief Observed that I read this morning. Interestingly, the pastor is quoting him now - were Lewis tells us we are far too easily pleased, seeking satisfaction at Taco Bell, when we are invited by God to a five-star restaurant. 

Joy is found in God and God alone; but we, as the Buddha teaches, look for happiness in all the wrong places, seeking joy in things that don't last. 

On the other hand, Paul sang for joy chained in a deep dungeon. When we realize that same joy, we realize our current situation doesn't matter. In all honesty, I'm far too apt to whine. Yes, I find joy easily, but I also am derailed way too quickly. 

Praying for others instead of being fixated on our own situation brings joy. It's a question of where our attention is focused. Spreading the Love of God to others brings joy - in word and service. 

Stop whining, arguing, and complaining. When you live like this, there is no room for joy. The more we fixate on our problems, the more our problems and complaints become who we are. I need that on a t-shirt. I'm SO busted. 

The things if this world that we want or achieve or prize are straw when compared to Jesus. Thomas Aquinas says straw, the world Paul uses in Philippians is crap. 

There is joy in the faithfulness of God. 

Practice rejoicing - it's like physical therapy - we build up our capacity for joy. 

Think on what is good, beautiful, etc. Find joy in Christ. It's there. 

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Notes from the Sermon

This week's segment of Recalculate is titled Designed to Influence

Matthew 5:16 - In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven. 

What would the world be there without mothers? Mothers have an unbelievable influence on this world. They hold unbelievable joys and carry unbelievable burdens. 

Christians are also designed to be an influence on this world. Our light gives light to everyone in the house - Christian and non Christian. 

Add your influence to what you give. You were not saved just so you could go to Heaven. You are called to be an influence. Jesus asks, "What have you done with my grace?"

We are called to go and participate in His redemption of the world. 

You are either an influence or you will be influenced. 

What data influences you and how do you then influence this world? 

Philippians 4:8 - Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. 

Everything we experience sets us up to be an influence on this world - positive and negative. 

We are foolish by nature - but God understands this - do not accept the lie that past foolishness means we can't be an influence. Turn to God and allow God to make changes in your life. 

If you seek God's wisdom, then God will open the doors to adventure and influence. 

Romans 8:15 The Spirit you received does not make you slaves, so that you live in fear again; rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship. And by him we cry, “Abba, Father.” 

We do not go on these adventures alone. We are designed to go with God. Amen and alleluia!

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Notes from the Sermon

Today's segment of Recalculate is Designed to Need Others.

We often find ourselves in places we aren't excited about and wonder, "How did I get here?" I wonder if he meant to quote David Byrne in the Talking Heads song Once in a Lifetime - which is now running through my cold-addled brain. 

The Bible reading is the Genesis story. Interesting point made about Genesis 2:18:

The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.” 

It's important to note that Adam had a relationship with God, but even so, he needed a helper. We are made to need each other. 

Americans are the loneliest people in the world. We have forgotten this need we have for each other. American individualism focuses on doing it by ourselves. That's not what Christianity is all about. Even if you can do it yourself, it's better to do it with others. 

We need to be here for each other. This is the type of community we need to build and maintain. We need to go after the lost sheep - sheep are in the most danger from predators when they are alone and apart from the herd. 

This is not being "sheeple" - it's being part of a community - it's being there for each other.