Sunday, November 30, 2014

Notes from the Sermon

Good Word Good Life!

Today's sermon is based on James 1:22-27. 

It's the first Sunday of Advent. Why did Jesus come? Jesus said the reason He came was that we might have Life - Life that's full, abundant, overflowing - hearts more joyous than we can imagine, If we keep that at the center, the rest will fall into place (John 10:10b). 

Regarding Ferguson - Jesus said we are here for two things - to love God and to love each other. That love extends beyond family and friends to those different from us - even our enemies - spread love, not discord. 

James tells us how to do live life well. YOLO has been described as a modern day carpe deim, but, it's a little different. It all too often is an excuse to do stupid things. It's true though, with regard to the admonition that we should live the best we can. 

Jesus is the one most concerned with getting the most out of life. 

James says listening is important, however doing is what matters. 

...the truly happy people are those who carefully study God's perfect law that makes people free, and they continue to study it. They do not forget what they heard, but they obey what God's teaching says. Those who do this will be happy. 

I think perhaps I should do a Bible study focusing on the word happy. 

Doing God's will does not mean a life with no problems; but, it does mean a joyous life. The Apostles, after all, sang songs of thanksgiving while in prison. 

If we only listen but don't do, then we are fooling ourselves. 

A lot of people mark their Bibles, but they never let their Bible mark them. 

The parable of the two sons - one who said he wouldn't do it, but then thought better and did it and the second who said yes but did nothing (Matthew 21:28-32). Where do I stand in this?

If we truly follow God's way, it does set us free. For instance, if we use our freedom to gossip, then gossip will bind us. If we don't forgive, then we are bound up by a spirit of hurt and revenge. 

When I live by James' principle, it will change my character and my conduct. When what comes out of my mouth reflects the character of Christ, then I have no regrets. We should live our lives in such a way that there is something obviously different about us. 

Pure religion - religion God accepts - is caring for the downtrodden, the oppressed, and the vulnerable. Rather like the Dalai Lama's statement that his religion is kindness. 

We watched a video with a great quote - "Music is the quickening art."

Amen :)

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