Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Little Gifts

Today was a better day - although it had the same feel as a stormy day where the sun breaks through in odd moments. Walking Kodi, I saw a bright white seagull sitting on top of a spotless white pickup. I don't know why he made me smile, but he did - seagulls don't get a lot of respect, but this one was shining in the sun and the white gulls seem to take care to be spotless (even when they are stealing your lunch). Of course, he flew away before I could get a photo.

My next tiny gift was an elderly couple walking home from the neighborhood grocery store. The old man kept his hand on his lady's elbow, helping her when they came to a curb. She had a big straw hat on and both were dressed very nicely for a walk to the grocery store.

I get so caught up in my own inner turmoil sometimes that I miss the world around me and all the little gifts that God gives, like tiny jokes shared with a shy smile.

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