Thursday, March 6, 2014

Yosemite Sam

Chelsea was a personality. She was a crotchety cat who could cuss like Yosemite Sam. Underneath all her grumpiness and bluster, she was, well, a pussy cat. But she never gave without grumbling about it. We loved her, despite her grumpiness, and perhaps a bit because of it.

God loves a cheerful giver (2 Corinthians 9:7) and yet I have to ask myself how often I give cheerfully. I must confess that I am far more like Chelsea when I give to my daughter - crotchety, grumpy, and prone to snap. Seldom do I give freely and cheerfully. There is an undercurrent of resentment that I feel far too often when I give. I think part of the reason is that I do not give freely and cheerfully to myself. This ties back to yesterday's blog post about being "unselfish" versus loving or being cheerfully generous. When I focus on my unselfishness - putting family first - I make myself a martyr and martyrs, I think, are prone to resent their martyrdom if they are not giving of themselves cheerfully.

What does all this mean? Yosemite Sam is not a good role model ;)

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